Do you feel that it would be worth an effort for you to make the best of these times?
I would like to help you deal with the challenges in your life and try approaching things differently. I look forward to working with you to figure these things out. I provide counselling for children, adolescents, and adults. Counselling can be provided in English, Punjabi, Cantonese, and Hindi.
Livecare is available for remote video online counselling It is a secure video platform. For more information visit
Do you get worried or feel threatened very frequently? Do you feel restless or nervous all the time or suddenly even on good days? This may be anxiety. Anxiety is the feeling of fear or apprehension. It is important to remember that having some anxiety is normal, it is a natural response by our brain and body to deal with stressful situations; it only becomes an issue when it becomes excessive such as avoiding situations, having panic attacks or feel like they cannot breathe, having phobia or being obsessed with certain thoughts or rituals when there is no danger. According to the DSM-5 (a handbook used around the world by mental health and health care professionals as a guide for diagnosis of mental disorders), anxiety disorders are different from anxiety in that for someone with anxiety disorder, anxiety is excessive or persists for over six months. People with anxiety disorders typically show signs in their bodies which include fast heart rate and/or perspiration not attributed to other medical conditions or medications. Many anxiety disorders may develop in childhood.
The cause of anxiety disorder is not known. However, it could be due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, genetics (hereditary), or traumatic experience.
Anxiety can affect children, youth, and adults and can occur in pregnancy. When we are going through different stages in our lives, for example becoming a new parent, getting a new job, etc., anxiety can become an issue. Adults and children show anxiety in different ways. Children may display it by avoiding school by saying their stomach is upset, or getting angry. They may be fearful about separation from their parents/caregivers, or that there may be harm or death coming to parents. They may also have frequent nightmares.
At least one in four Canadian will suffer from anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety, substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and phobias. It is the most prevalent of all the mental disorders.
Some people think that anxiety will just go away eventually and others may feel that it is really affecting their lives. Accepting anxiety is the first step to treating anxiety. Either way it is important to recognize it and seek help or at least start regular exercise and meditation. Self-help strategies or resources from or Canadian Mental Health Association may also be helpful. Other ways to treat anxiety are to see a doctor or counsellor. Counsellors can use different types of therapies, suited to the individual’s personality, to cope with anxiety. Counselling can also help you to learn to face your fears or breaking the habits which are not allowing you to break your fears. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) are some of the therapies can be used to treat anxiety. Hypnotherapy is also suggested for anxiety as a relaxation technique. Other therapies may be also be used that deem appropriate or more fitting to the clients’ needs.