Do you feel that it would be worth an effort for you to make the best of these times?
I would like to help you deal with the challenges in your life and try approaching things differently. I look forward to working with you to figure these things out. I provide counselling for children, adolescents, and adults. Counselling can be provided in English, Punjabi, Cantonese, and Hindi.
Livecare is available for remote video online counselling It is a secure video platform. For more information visit
Everyone has values and may not realize what they are or what their meaning in life may be. Clarity or awareness of yourself and your values may help your journey to cope with current issues.
Why not just celebrate the little things in life everyday and add value and worth to yourselves? ...But little or big obstacles can come in the way of doing so. Working on being more flexible with our thoughts and actions can help overcoming obstacles.
I truly try to understand and live in your shoes; from there on, I can work out a good approach that fits and suits your unique life and individuality. Together, we can try to help you deal and cope with your issues so that life is not just waiting for the good times but making everyday livable and be aware of the little victories and celebrations in your lives. Trying a new approach may also add some energy to your life.
Trying my very best to make the best of what is going on is important to me in life. I have overcome stresses in my life to keep standing by my values and principles to continue on my life journey. From my own personal life experiences as well as from my training in teaching and counselling, I hope to provide tools for my clients well-being and self discovery to overcome current issues.